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Opt-in your Email list to WhatsApp
Opt-in your Email list to WhatsApp
Updated over a week ago

๐Ÿ“ˆ If you're looking to grow your audience, you're on the right path! Here you'll find the best way to convert part of your email subscribers list into members of your WhatsApp club.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of this conversion and to ensure a seamless redirection, we can leverage WhatsApp Entry Points.

What are Entry Points?

WhatsApp offers several unique entry points tailored to enhance interaction between businesses and their customers. These features help businesses streamline communication, improve customer service, and facilitate e-commerce. It is also a very efficient way to collect marketing opt-in (we'll see later how exactly). First, let's see different types of entry points to understand better how they work. Here are the key entry points:

  1. Click-to-chat links: You can generate URLs (such as that, when clicked, open a chat with the business on WhatsApp. These links can be shared on websites, social media, or even in email signatures, allowing customers easy access to initiate conversations. Kiosk allows you to create those link on your account and track activity.

  2. QR codes: Similar to click-to-chat links, QR codes can be displayed in physical locations, on products, or online. Customers can scan these codes with their smartphone to start chatting with you on WhatsApp instantly.

  3. Facebook and Instagram ads: You can create ads on Facebook and Instagram that include a call-to-action button linking directly to WhatsApp. When users click on these ads, they are taken straight to a WhatsApp conversation with the business. Learn more on how to use this โ†—๏ธ Social Media integration to grow your audience even more.

In order to effectively create an entry point, go to your Kiosk account in the tab "Entry Points" and simply follow the outlined procedure below ๐Ÿ‘‡:

  • Prefilled message: Begin by crafting a custom message that will automatically appear when a recipient clicks on your link. This message should be engaging and tailored to the specific campaign or interaction you are planning.

  • Opt-in collection: This step is automatic and securely gathers opt-ins from your customers. Right after the message is sent, the contact's opt-in status is updated to "opted-in".

  • Follow up with a confirmation message: Third step is actually rewarding contacts with a promotional code or a confirmation message. Here is a preview of how an entry point works ๐Ÿ‘‰

Once these key steps are configured within the Kiosk platform, you can move on to the next phase:

  • Downloading the link and QR code: Easily copy the link and download the corresponding QR code from the Kiosk interface. These elements are designed to be embedded directly into your email campaign.

Incorporating the link and QR code into your email campaign:

  • Embedding the link: Strategically place the link in your email content. Ensure it is clearly visible and enticingly presented to encourage clicks. This could be through a button, a hyperlinked phrase, or a standout section within your email layout.

  • Including the QR code: Integrate the QR code into the email's design in a position that catches the eye. This allows recipients who prefer using their mobile devices for quick access a hassle-free option to engage directly with your message.

Launch the campaign or setup the automation

To effectively collect WhatsApp opt-ins, consider implementing one or more of the following strategies. For a best-in-class approach, consider combining all three methods. This multi-faceted strategy ensures various touch-points are covered, increasing your chances of higher opt-in rates. Hereโ€™s how you can set up each campaign or automation:

Dedicated Campaign


  • Create a specific email campaign targeted at your subscriber list to request their opt-in for WhatsApp communication. This email should clearly explain what type of content they will receive on WhatsApp (e.g., updates, offers, exclusive content).

  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA), such as a button or link that subscribers can click to confirm their opt-in thanks to the link previously created in Kiosk.


  • Targeted engagement: A dedicated campaign allows you to tailor the message specifically to the benefits of opting into WhatsApp communications, which can increase conversion rates.




  • Add a footer in your regular emails that includes an entry point. This can be a less intrusive way of collecting opt-ins.

  • Ensure the footer is visible and the message is clear about what they are signing up for.


  • Continuous opt-in: Subscribers have a constant opportunity to opt-in to WhatsApp messages without the pressure of a dedicated campaign.

  • Ease of implementation: This method can be easily integrated into your existing email templates thanks to features like Klaviyo's โ€œUniversal Content".


Don't forget to add the right link to make the button clickable:

Welcome Email


  • Introduce your new subscribers to your brandโ€™s values, products, or services. Within this introduction, include a segment about the benefits of connecting with your brand on WhatsApp.


  • Immediate engagement: A welcome message initiates interaction instantly, making subscribers feel valued and establishing the tone of future communications.

  • Feedback opportunity: The immediate interaction can be used to solicit feedback or preferences, helping to refine your WhatsApp communication strategy further.



You're all set to supercharge your audience growth โ˜„๏ธ

By leveraging the power of WhatsApp Entry Points, from click-to-chat links to QR codes, you'll not only meet your audience where they're most active but also provide them with a seamless, engaging experience that stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

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